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Steps to Take After a Separation: A Guide for Brisbane Residents

Separation is a challenging and emotional journey that often leaves individuals feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.

Whether the decision was mutual or unexpected, the aftermath of a separation requires careful consideration of various aspects of life, from legal and financial matters to emotional well-being.

For Brisbane residents, navigating this period with the right steps can make a significant difference in transitioning to a new chapter with clarity and confidence. 


Whether you are based in Brisbane or further abroad, this guide provides an overview of some essential steps to take after a separation, helping you protect your rights. 

Table of Contents


Prioritise Your Emotional Well-being 

Separation can be an emotionally draining experience, and it’s crucial to acknowledge the impact it has on your mental health.

The first step after a separation is to approach your legal issues from an emotionally stable state as to do otherwise can impact your ability to make sound decisions.

Take the time to consider seeking support. Separation is common, so there is no need to feel ashamed or alone. Reach out to friends, family, or a support group.

Brisbane offers various counseling services and support groups that can provide a safe space to express your feelings and gain perspective.

Professional counseling can be invaluable during this time. Consider seeing a therapist who specialises in relationship issues to help you process the emotions associated with the separation.  

Seek Legal Advice


One of the most critical steps after a separation is to seek legal advice. Understanding your rights and obligations under the national family law system will empower you to make informed decisions.

The legal landscape can be complex, and getting professional guidance early on can prevent costly mistakes.  


You would be well placed to consult a Family Lawyer

A family lawyer can explain your rights regarding property division, child custody, spousal maintenance, and other legal matters. Brisbane has many experienced family lawyers who can help you navigate the process. 


Take the time to research and understand your rights

After separation, you have specific rights concerning assets, finances, and children. A lawyer can help you understand these rights and ensure that you are not taken advantage of during the separation.

It is important to note that the family law courts and legislation aim to deliver a fair outcome on property separation, so understanding this landscape will help you avoid being pressured into accepting proposals put to you by your prior partner.  


Consider Mediation

If both parties are willing, mediation can be an effective way to resolve disputes amicably without going to court. Mediation allows you to negotiate terms and come to an agreement that works for both parties. Brisbane has several mediation services that specialize in family law disputes. 


Protect Yourself Legally

Put in place or update important legal documents, such as your will, power of attorney, and insurance policies, to reflect your new situation. Ensuring these documents are up-to-date will protect your interests in the event of unexpected circumstances.

If you fail to do this, then your estate may still go to your prior partner, depending where you are at in the process of separation / divorce.

It is important to note that the formality of a separation or divorce being finalised will mean that your existing legal documents like power of attorney and wills become void. So, it is very important to put new documents in place.  

Assess and Manage Your Finances 

Separation often brings financial changes, and managing your finances carefully is essential. Taking control of your financial situation will help you establish stability and plan for the future.

It is important to understand how your separation will impact your financial position and any trust or corporate structures you may control or have an interest it.

It is often the case that superannuation, trusts, companies and other structures will need to be amended in order to ensure compliance with any agreed outcome or court order, or simply to protect them while the separation or divorce is being finalised.  


It is important to understand all of your assets and liabilities as failure in this regard may mean that you do not achieve a fair outcome as part of your separation.

You should discuss your various assets and liabilities with your lawyer to ensure that all information is appropriately disclosed and a binding agreement can be reached with your prior partner.

If necessary, accounting advice should be sought to ensure the information being provided to your lawyer is accurate. 

Focus on Children and Parenting Arrangements 

If you have children, their well-being should be your top priority during and after the separation. Establishing a stable and supportive environment for your children will help them adjust to the changes.

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia prioritises  the wellbeing of children above all else. Therefore, one-sided or selfish proposals about parenting arrangements are not looked upon kindly by the court.

Your lawyer can help broach the subject with the court in a way that is fair and balanced, and likely to garner the support of the court.  


Children can be significantly affected by separation, and it's important to ensure the shift in circumstances provide them with a stable and safe environment, so far as is possible.

A structured approach is therefore best and typically takes the form of a parenting plan. A parenting plan outlines how both parents will share responsibilities and make decisions regarding the children.

Consider factors such as living arrangements, school, and extracurricular activities. Whether you are in Brisbane or elsewhere in Australia, the family law courts encourage parents to reach a parenting agreement that serves the best interests of the children. 

Take Practical Steps to Protect Your Future 

In addition to addressing legal, financial, and emotional matters, there are several practical steps you should take after a separation to protect your future. 


Update Personal Records

Ensure that your personal records are up-to-date. This includes changing your name, address, and any other relevant details with government agencies, financial institutions, and service providers.

It also includes updating your contact details with those third parties to ensure correspondence does not continue to go to a place where your prior partner may still receive them.  


Manage Shared Accounts 

Unless there is good and legitimate reason to keep them, if you have joint bank accounts, credit cards, or utilities with your prior partner, you’ll need to either close or update them. Ensure that you have separate accounts and that all joint accounts are resolved. 


Document Everything

Particularly if your separation was ‘rocky’ or ‘messy’, keep records of all communications, agreements, and decisions related to the separation. This documentation can be crucial if disputes arise later on. 



Separation is a complex and challenging process, but by taking the right steps, you can navigate it successfully with as little stress as possible.

Contact Drakos & Company Solicitors for experienced guidance on navigating the legal aspects of separation and to protect your rights during this challenging time.

Our friendly and understanding team is here to support you every step of the way. Reach out today to discuss your situation and explore your options. 

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